A Glimpse of the Past

Today is Monday, June 22, 2009

The past seems to me as ordinary work but a thanksgiving of all that GOD gave me

Prayers granted, and the little miracles that explain to me what life is

Days have passed, I met many people in different corners

The most I can remember is how one tries his/her best in terms of work as a way of serving others - whether family, friends, or strangers

I know I am one ordinary person just like anyone, but I thank GOD for letting me see through life vivid wisdom, I couldn't even tell the point of facts and origin

Wisdom has no origin. It is one fruit of GOD's love given to us in grace and mercy

I follow where GOD would send me. I know I want a lot things for myself --- yet some of it just don't happen. And those I don't really care about - happen...
I trust GOD, now that many questions arise as to what could be, would be, in my everyday trek of accomplishing some goals

I have enough free time. I've got free schedules. And in between, the most I do are errands and talking to people in all walks of life. Some of them piss me because of wrong motives, pride, corruption, and no real love for work/service. Yes, I go in front anyone, and shout to the tops his disrespect for human beings.
And sometimes, how I wish - others beside me would do the same

There are many things to tell...

Life is short, we have to be happy and make others happy, too

We have to count our blessings everyday, forgive our enemies, pray for a kind heart and others - so each time we sleep we could peacefully close our eyes and prepare for death in case we don't wake up the next morning.

Good afternoon.
rosevocations, 2009.
12:25pm, Philippines
