My Journal Notes. April 22

The whole April I have just stayed in the house, doing chores, cooking and nannying kids in place of "yayas" who were always absent.

It was fun, but often, routine makes headaches.

Kids give you laughter and make you feel young, and you try to make up with their way of life, that would make you flex your bones and body.

Cooking, on the other hand, must slow down for me because midlife must exercise caution - heat, washing and heating  confuse the body.  Moreover, I ate and ate the stuff I'd love to cook.  So much eating is not good.  Everything must be in  moderation.

I've also thought of my writing life, to continue with it and write a dream novel.  I've never done that.  I already wrote a few fiction stories, articles, essays and lots of poems, but no novel, yet.  I thought I couldn't grab that time to write, so I struggle to write prayers and short poems to sustain my writing vocation /duty.  That fills my guilt to produce something on paper / the Web.

Nonetheless, life must go on.  We all have got many things to do for each other while fulfilling other goals. 

Go, go, go!

Let us trust in the Lord all we do, and  it will work out together for good.

Have a blessed Sunday, all!

