What To Do If Your Goal Is Denied

If you want something fulfilled, you have to believe and seek the possibilities of your goal and dream.
You have to face every challenge, seek for improvement, and work your ass hard enough.
You have to row without stopping even in storm, and hike peaks even if the earth shakes.
You have to sweat a lot, bleed a vein, or even die for your dreams.
Think of the people who support you and help you get on with the goal. At least, be ashamed because they put their trust in you though how small you may be in this universe. Go on. Just go on while time ticks.
Success comes to people who don't stop. It is not an instant win as in a gamble, but it is built brick by brick. No matter what obstacles surge, each person must continue to meet an end. The small attempts of trying to accomplish a purpose are already small successes. They become part of the big goals.
Among others, check these people who did not give up:
Abraham Lincoln
Patrick Henry
Joanne of Arc
Bill Gates
Albert Einstein
Emily Dickinson
W. Disney
M. Jordan
Mother Teresa
Heller Keller
Steve Jobs
And above all, think of Jesus Christ.
He was the son of God. As a man, his own people denied him. Even his friend Peter, denied him three times.
What is more painful than being left alone in times of need?
Recently, my three manuscripts were scrapped. I've got three rejections. Way back in college, I was summoned to get another course. But later, writing snatched me again. Writing just loves me! It never gives up on me. It will never let me stop.
In every rejection, I just record in my mind that no one is perfect in this world. Truly, nothing is perfect except the ways of God.
Let these thoughts inspire you:
Tell yourself, "If I really want something, I must work very hard for it."
Transform denials into something positive. These are life's lessons and challenges.
In every obstacle, learn not only about your goals, but how to live life courageously and trust in God.
Never forget the assurance of hope. Keep on trying!
Along the way, you will see how real beauty shines.
In the worst of times, you will understand the profundity of life and purpose.
Go now. Shake the dust off your feet, and walk again!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6690896
