Learning To Use Your Imagination

At the moment I am too rational. As I am too rational, I become rigid and seriously focused on what I am doing, like work in the office, objective tests, exact figures, and editing manuscripts.
However, as I am a writer I need to be creative. I need to play. My playground and my rendezvous is the blank page. When you have read a lot and made thinking as a hobby, you will learn how to associate ideas quickly.
You will see the sky as a vast board of the earth; the lake, a cup; stars and moon as pins or necklace; or you as my lover. You will imagine things far beyond your reach or draw images in paper to enchant, inform, entertain, be understood or share some fun; maybe magnify some purpose and God.
It is nice to be silly sometimes, or to shed sorrow, or rage. Words would always welcome if you value their presence and pass them on for all to link and love. Words give light. They show pictures.
The German Schiller wrote, "Deeper meaning resides in the fairy tales told to me in my childhood than in the truth that is told by life," (Bruno Bettleheim, The Uses of Enchantment).
In the Holy Bible, stories and manuscripts are packed with metaphors.
Through the years, nursery favorites spin in child or adult lessons about life, about good and evil, how to manage things, be happy or succeed in the end.
Poets use their senses keenly to weave words.
"Imagery is best defined as the total suggestion of poetry," says John Ciardi (How Does A Poem Mean). As an example, read the Song of Myself by Walt Whitman.
Also, read the descriptive essays of Thoreau's Walden Pond. The essays present vivid pictures.
Our imagination is a gift from God. It must be used for the purpose of understanding each other. In Art, imagination makes all things beautiful because by it we can feel emotion, history, and be aware of the life we live.
In today's culture, we know Thor, Gandalf, Cookie Monster, Mickey Mouse, vampires, iron man, superheroes and androids, among others. They are alive with us now, as the stories and myths in the books, as the old nursery rhymes, as Grimms' Fairy Tales, as the Psalm songs, as the poems and the metaphors we create now.
So make fire, water, air and earth. Use words not crayons. Make an image to let others understand you. And as a saying goes in writing, "Show! Don't tell."

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7649137
