More Writing Modes

Writing is an essential skill that everyone must learn, like Math, like Science. The basics of writing is, of course, learning a language and knowing how to read. Writing improves through knowing Basic English Grammar rules, a wide range of vocabulary, and constant reading and practice.
But then, just write and do the editing later. Expressing yourself is writing freely, first. Learn new words, make phrases, then sentences, then paragraphs. Soon you'll be surprised, you've written something meaningful!
Check this:
1.The Summary
When you make a summary, do not forget the important details. Usually, when you do this, you retain the structure and point of view of the original. You can reflect from the words as you find them, but use your own words, and not those of the original author (except when quoting necessarily). Set yourself a word limit (500 words, 250 words, or 100).
A summary is also called a condensation, or the precis.
2.The Paraphrase
A paraphrase is interpreting something in your own words. It is a rephrase. The guide is "in other words..."
3.The Literary Report
This kind of report is written to inform. Avoid the tendency to use many words explaining your own ideas, as in reporting a story, an update, or a reading text.
4. The News
The news is reported straight to the point and very clear. It answers the question words of W's and 1H (who, what, when, where, why, how). A lead paragraph must be brief citing all the necessary details.
5. The Simple Review
The simple review is describing some reading content and giving your own comments on the reading. You can relate it to other texts, meanings, and examples.
Aside from a book review, you can write a restaurant review, a concert review, a poem analysis or a movie review.
In writing the review, you must have your readers in mind.
6. The Editorial
The editorial uses exact and powerful words. It doesn't use the first-person point of view, as compared to the newspaper or magazine columns.
7. Journals
Zoom and anything goes. It's a personal diary and an academic notebook all in one. It is a bunch of writing pads for practice. Journal entries are ideas/topics that can spark into poems, stories, articles and literary essays.
Also, see websites, blogs, and internet posts.
The letter is an ordinary but a unique way to write. Letters are most appealing to the senses, and easily understood by the readers. Letters are useful, very communicative, and candid. The epistles from the Holy Bible are examples.
9.Press Release
These are texts /short articles about a product, an event, or a person, among others. The press release is written by the press release writer, and disseminated to the media and/or social networks for visibility.

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