By Rosalinda Flores-Martinez There had been instances in my life where I just want to hold a pen or press the keyboards. If I can't do that, I feel restless and I have to move to and fro. If I can't write in whatever form, I try to make-up something on my way to write. If I am not successful at this, I rage. In the poems I make, I am not even sure if they will work. I admit that the classroom and workshops are not enough, though they help a lot. But what makes me last is when I feel, I wrote from my heart and I have released something good from inside of me and from the muses around me. Thank God, for my seasons! Let me share some tips in writing prose and poems. Read a lot. I mean the right materials for the topic you want to write. Practice. In any writing form, practice makes perfect. In life, practice is one of the best chants. Keep a journal and write words that stun you. Update your vocabulary. Collaborate with students, workers, writers, teachers, and experts. Use your five senses, or more, keenly. At least, structure some poems. Do writing prompts. Read the work of other writers. They inspire and teach. Make a leap of faith. Open a vein. Take note of the metaphors. Poets and writers know how to read between the lines and understand what is left unsaid. Familiarize yourself at this. Later, when you mature in this field, expect changes in the way you deal with your prose and poems: it is not easy, yet the chances of fulfillment. In writing poems, you may practice on the types of rhymes, too. Check the following. There is perfect or full rhyme when the accented vowel sounds and following consonant sounds rhyme. It is an end rhyme when the ends of line rhyme. Kids love this. Falling rhymes are those that occur at the end of lines with falling rhythm, like lines that end on unaccented syllables. Rising or masculine rhyme occurs at the end of lines with rising rhythm, like lines that end on accented syllables. Alliteration is an emphatical repetition of initial consonant rhymes or head rhymes, such as wind and wheel. Assonance is the repetition of vowel sounds like aim and pray. A slant rhyme, also called near of off or half rhyme, is the repetition of accented syllables in final consonant sounds without correspondence in the preceding vowel or consonant sounds. Emily Dickinson is best at this. Consonance is partial or total repetition of consonants in words or syllables whose main vowels differ. Internal rhymes are those within or between lines that do not fall at the line endings. Sight rhymes are words that look as though they rhyme but have different sounds. Find your rhymes now and have fun writing! "Poems are made by fools like me, But only God can make a tree." (Joyce Kilmer) Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rosalinda_Flores-Martinez
