Book Review and Quoting Sources

Reviews, analysis and research work are forms of nonfiction.

In writing a book review, interpreting texts, or making a research work or report and detailed reading is required. Lack of knowledge of the texts will not make a commendable interpretation and analysis. Facts are culled from the texts to support the objective write-up and enhance the subjective interpretation.

1. A book review usually includes three parts

1. The book description. It is the content of the book. This is the summary.
2. Communicate something of its quality, in relation to literary texts.
3. Give merits and make judgments (positive and negative comments).

2. In Quoting Sources

Direct quotation provides evidence and can add both life and authenticity to your paper. Direct quotations should be reserved for cases in which you cannot express the ideas better yourself. Use them when the original words are precise, clear, powerful or vivid.

To paraphrase, you restate the source ideas in your own words. The point of paraphrasing is to preserve the intent of the original statement and to fit the paraphrased statement smoothly into the immediate context of your essay.

From texts, you can give a summary or overview. Condensation of a written work is also acceptable, but not distorting the main idea of author. Usually this is done is classic fairy tales and some stories with reference to the period it is written.

When summarizing, don't miss important details of the texts. Remember: don't distort the original meaning.

Keep in mind to occasionally supplement summaries with brief direct quotations or evocative details to keep readers in touch with the original source.

Failure to document your sources is called plagiarism. Plagiarism is taking someone's ideas or information and passing them off as your own. The practice of citing sources for borrowed ideas or words is common and expected in journalism and academic writing.

Quoting sources is needed to preserve the manuscripts of writers. They are due rights that their work be passed on to the next readers. Acknowledging the author, writer, or work/book is to protect and support intellectual rights, professions and/or endeavor for knowledge.

Some new writers works/ideas are hacked by those people who aim for money. When I was just a new writer, I had an exam in an advertising firm, and we were asked to contribute ideas. I wrote my ideas, but they didn't hire me (or gave me a project). But months later, I saw on TV - exactly the same concepts I had enumerated in the exam.

Also, I had submitted a script in a contest, but perhaps was not well-written. Later, there was a movie exactly with the same title I had submitted in the national contest. It was not my script and exact words, but the title was exactly my title and the idea in the movie - my idea. These gave me lessons that if you are not a famous writer, producers or book publishers will get your idea and get another famous writer or writer friends to write them, so it could sell more.

More than that, it is true to have copyright all the works. And many rich business stuff do this, even record stores, but then how about when they hack the idea of a non-famous writer, creator or inventor? People will never know because these poor people don't have visible markets.

But if one writer could pursue a case against these hackers and idea or word thieves, like emailing or mailing "First" to yourself. These are documents for evidence.

It is better in journalism because sources are quoted, but in an art work many money-makers will abuse a writers naive work. How could you give justice to plagiarism? In any way, the internet helps a lot because documentation is evident to everyone, even to common writers and creators. Thank God for the World Wide Web (www) and its holy workers! Indeed, God is the final judge, and your writing communities and friends will vouch for your good works.
