What Words Would I Use?

October 1, 2010

Clarity:  What Words Would I Use?

Write sentences for clarity! 

English teachers aim at this.  And then, know more words everyday: five, ten, or  as many as you like.  That will be good for memory work.

I love words.  I have tried to invent and explore their meanings.  There were times I   used one word again and again. Tongue exercise, memory exercise, and playing with words were just fun for me.  I  remind my students about this.

1. Remember the Kiss Theory in writing a sentence: “Keep it simple stupid.” (Sorry for the negative word, but that is the acronym.) 

Perhaps, we all come to this mistake.  As no one can be grammar-perfect, editing and reviewing texts are reminders how one can make better sentences.

2. Adjectives and adverbs must be used appropriately and as needed in creating picture words.  This applies when using the descriptive form of discourse (factual information in describing objects).

3. Oftentimes, wordiness is just awkwardness.  Readers will find it easier when the texts are concise and direct.  Roundabout constructions, unnecessary phrases and clauses, redundancy and repetitions make lousy manuscripts.

The aim of writing is to be understood by readers, not to flaunt words.  A written material must suit the reader/audience need.  “Who are you writing for?”  “What is your goal for that text/message?” 

Check out redundant words:

Repeat again                           repeat
Past history                             history
Important essentials                essentials
Round circles                          circles
End result                                result
Two twins                               twins
Refer back                               refer
Over speeding                         speeding
Most unique                            unique
Honest truth                            honest

4.  Use figures of speech creatively.  Trite expressions can be altered.   Try showing pictures.  Make your own fresh expressions.

Taste                red grapes

Touch              silk linen

Smell               brewing coffee beans

Sight                a mountain curve

Hearing            exploding thunder

5 .  In-vogue or status symbol words must be used with practice.  Ask a friend or community for more updates.  Observe how they become buzzwords.  Sometimes, they’re overused, yet they sound familiar and interesting.

Try this:  networking, downsize, cool, chill, blast, infrastructure, worst-case scenario

6.Avoid using a biased-language.

7.If possible, avoid the use of euphemisms. Be direct to the point (though at times, considerations are made here).

8.Slang expressions can be created by a particular generation.  Hence, these expressions are fleeting.  Also, these expressions are used in informal writing and/or quoted. 

In ESL classes, students are recommended to understand slang expressions because such are spoken by native speakers (Slangman Street  Speak).  These words are colorful, exaggerated and original in its time.

Check this out:

Cool                poised
To pig out        to eat too much
Bombed          drunk
Wasted                        stressed
Wired              hyperactive
Later                see you later

/rose flores martinez
