Surviving as a Freelance Writer

Surviving as a Freelance Writer

“You are a writer?”

“Yes, I am.”


Many people would say, “You’re fantastic!.” But some wouldn’t even dare to be a writer because people would say, “A writer would never get rich, and there is no money in writing, and maybe – some artists would die hungry.”

This might be scary. But the fact that serious writing is extraordinary, the gift of writing must be valued as breath.

Surviving as free lance writer is a challenging job. Yes, you can do any work on the side ( as long as its respectful). In fact, most free lance writers have two or more regular jobs. In many cases, free lance writers are both writers and teachers.

Others also try special writing projects, tutoring, selling, engaging in small businesses (like cooking brownies, etc.), and PR work among others.

The other work will support the free lance writing in situations there is no money yet. As a free lance writer: you’ve got no boss, no permanent work associates, no transportation allowance as compared to staff writers/editors of magazines, newspapers, and/or publishing company. So this is sort of much isolation already, but very independent. Usually, those who write freelance are the writers who have a second job. And those jobs are not the regular 8:00 to 5:00 jobs.

My first check as a free lance writer came from “Women’s Journal Magazine.” I was a housewife then, getting part time/added work while taking care of the kids. Of course, I want some money, but more than these was freeing my thoughts. And from here, I sent articles for various magazines (national and international). I couldn’t have enough time for writing though, yet what made me write was because I didn’t have enough time. As a mother, one has to make priorities. The articles came in as necessary in some aspects of life.

The free lance writer can always author a book, but this needs another step like offering your work to publishers /academe/bookstores, or having a sponsor, or having enough money to print your books.

“ I suffer exquisitely writing these things. It may be truly said that I write with my hearts blood…Many times in writing “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” I thought my health would fail utterly; but I prayed earnestly that God would help me till I got through…

It seems to me so odd and dream-like that so many persons desire to see me, and now I cannot help thinking that they will think, when they do, that God hath chosen the weak things of this world.” Harriet Beecher Stowe

Truly, surviving as a free lance writer/ a writer, requires enough love for the writing work and enough faith that God will be helping the writer’s endeavor.

Rose Flores - Martinez
