On GOD's will

Life is GOD's way to show us He exists and loves us all.

The Father GOD made us become His children: without tags, without discrimination, but only the faith we have in Jesus Christ

Whatever name we call the Deity, and whether we like it or not, there is a GOD,

Thank you dear GOD.

In life, choices is a showcase

And we are free people, yet, freedom here calls for responsibility

And as we love ourselves, so we have to love our friends, family, co-workers, strangers, enemies, community, and everyone

This is hard to do...

Quite ideal

But LOVE and the Holy Spirit will help us if we try

To experience this freedom and responsibility in service.

I have wanted to do things, like others do

I could always choose and say "yes," for glory

But then, I had always said "no"

And let GOD do it for me

I say it as "GOD's will,"

Where strength and courage always came from GOD.

YOU, to accept what you don't like

And let go of what you like most

is a miracle of GOD's Love

How can you endure?

But by GOD's grace and hugs!

To admonish

To fight

To make things happen and act now

Or to adjust

And be serene in prayer

In resignation or confirmation.

Such is the Rune Prayer:

Lord, grant me the serenity to accept things

To change the things I can

And please give me wisdom to know the difference.

And of course,

The Our Father,

the prayer Jesus taught us.

In writing literature, some writers aim for patterns

Maybe, Father GOD thought there should be an example

We could understand

Love in one universal prayer (The Our Father).

GOD's will?

This, I shall write.

Lord, stay with us all

That we may live for a purpose

And find joy and meaning in our service.

Rose Flores - Martinez, 12.03.09

